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Avio invests in T4i

Avio, a leading aerospace propulsion company listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, announces an agreement with T4i...

TRAP Test on Virgin Galactic 01

The first Galactic 01 mission ended successfully and having carried out 13 experiments on board. One of the experiments was T4i TRAP, a highly innovative evaporator...

T4i wins an ESA contract to upgrade an ESTEC facility for iodine testing

T4i has been awarded an ESA contract to upgrade the FEEP vacuum facility for testing of iodine-fed propulsive systems...

Successful Italian sounding rocket flight test

On February 24, 2022, the first flight test of an innovative sounding rocket for access-to-space applications for small satellites was successfully performed...

Smallsat 2021: we’re virtual ready!

The countdown is on to Smallsat Conference 2021. Visit us at our virtual booth, we’ll figure out how our technologies can make your satellites dance in space...

Forza REGULUS! Pronto alla prima accensione spaziale il propulsore di T4‪i‬

Ascoltatevi l'intervista alla nostra COO Elena Toson nella puntata di Smart City, il programma radiofonico di Radio24 curato da Maurizio Melis...

Corriere della Sera Innovazione: Uno startupper nello spazio

REGULUS è stato concepito per le nuove generazioni di piccoli satelliti leggeri che formano costellazioni per le telecomunicazioni e l'osservazione...

T4I: è in orbita REGULUS, il motore satellitare green Made in Italy

La Tecnologia di T4i nasce per cambiare il paradigma operativo delle piccole piattaforme satellitari conferendo loro una mobilità...

Un Soyuz pieno di satelliti italiani. In orbita anche il primo propulsore di T4i

REGULUS su "Il motore di T4i permetterà a piccoli satelliti di eseguire tutte le manovre tipiche dei mezzi più grandi...

L’omaggio a Gagarin del razzo Russo, in orbita con un motore Veneto

Oggi ne Il Gazzettino si parla di #REGULUS e del suo primo volo nello spazio, a sessant’anni dal primo viaggio dell’uomo oltre i confini dell’atmosfera terrestre...

T4i has launched REGULUS, the first Italian thruster based on Iodine

This flight also represents the baptism of space for T4i which equips UNISAT-7 with the first Italian plasma thruster, REGULUS, created specifically to give mobility to...

Space Efficiency and Mobility round table

In 2020, the World Space Week has been dedicated to satellites and their broad benefits under the theme “Satellites improve life.” Following this topic, we created a virtual round table...

T4i won a contract from ESA for its EP REGULUS propulsion system evolution

It all begun in 2006 with the initial thruster development at the University of Padua. Passing through the years the first thruster version was miniaturized...

Space mobility needs? REGULUS!

REGULUS EP System opens up new and unconceivable mission scenarios and applications, such as VLEO maintenance, phasing, rising or formation flying...

AIAA Hybrid Rockets Best Paper Award 2019

We are glad to announce that our technical paper, “Real Time Deep Throttling Tests of a Hydrogen Peroxide Hybrid Rocket Motor” has been chosen as the AIAA Hybrid Rockets Best Paper Award 2019...
t4i space tech expo europe 2019

T4i at Space Tech Expo 2019

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REGULUS passes vibration tests

REGULUS structural-thermal version has been successfully tested in vibration with qualification levels...

T4i achieves 2nd place at the INNOspace Masters OHB Challenge 2019

On 3rd July, T4i participated at the final of the INNOspace Masters OHB Challenge, reaching an amazing silver medal...

T4i at the Innospace Masters competition final phase

March is turning out to be a very intense month for us: after having received the National Innovation Award and turning 5 years old...

T4i wins the National Innovation Award 2018

On 4th March 2019 T4i received the National Innovation Award “Premio dei Premi” 2018 during the awarding ceremony that took place at Palazzo Madama in Rome...

T4i selected for StartUp Challenge at Paris Space Week 2019

T4i has been selected on the short list of 10 startups that will have the chance to hold a pitch to show their projects and ideas to change and innovate space...

T4i at the International Astronautical Congress 2018

From the 1st to the 5th October, T4i joined the International Astronautical Congress 2018 in Bremen, Germany...

Astropreneurs interview T4i

Shafa Aria from Astropreneurs a few weeks ago interviewed T4i’s Business Development Manager Elena Toson...

ESA Industry Space Days 2018

Our Business Development Manager Elena Toson and our CTO Nicolas Bellomo will join the 7th edition of the ESA Industry Space Days...

T4i at the Toulouse Space Show 2018

We will participate at the Toulouse Space show in June 2018! You can visit us at our booth in the Start-Up Village...

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Next Events

ESA Industry
Space Days

September 18-19, 2024
Noordwijk (Netherlands)

International Astronautical Congress

October 14-18, 2024
Milan (Italy)

Space Tech Expo

November 19-21, 2024
Bremen (Germany)

Italian Space

December, 2024
Washington (USA)